Download data

Download the Excel spreadsheets below for detailed crime statistics on the number of unique victims, unique alleged offenders, criminal incidents, recorded offences, alleged offender incidents, victim reports, family incidents and indigenous alleged offender incidents in Victoria.

You can also download a PDF version of the summary statistics found on the website.

If you require a data table or document in an alternative format please contact us at (External link)

On October 5th 2018 the CSA rectified a coding issue, for more information go to the Coding amendment – drug type by drug offence (External link) webpage. As a result the Recorded Offences visualisation tab ‘Drug offence by drug type’ has been updated and so has the associated content in Table 8 ‘Drug offences - July 2008 to June 2018’ in the 'Data Tables - Offence Visualisation - year ending June 2018' spreadsheet. If you have downloaded data prior to this date please ensure that you now download the refreshed data.

Crime Statistics Agency, 2018
Crime Statistics Agency, 2018
Date of Publication


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