News archive

Key Figures: Year ending 31 December 2018

The number of criminal incidents recorded by Victoria Police in the year to 31 December 2018 was 386,938. This is up 2.0% from 379,491 incidents recorded in the same period last year.

Media release: Victimisation rates lowest in over a decade

The Crime Statistics Agency has today released the Victorian recorded crime statistics for the year ending 31 December 2018.

Spotlight: Burglary/Break and Enter Offences Recorded in Victoria

The year ending December 2018 saw the lowest number of Burglary/break and enter offences recorded since July 2004.

Spotlight: Breaches of orders - The Impact of Legislative Changes

Legislative changes have led to increases in Breaches of orders offences recorded in the 10 year period ending September 2018. The effect of these changes on the statistical trends observed for this category will be explored in the latest spotlight.

Key Figures: Year ending 30 September 2018

The number of criminal incidents recorded by police in the year to 30 September 2018 was 384,183. This is down 1.6% from 390,571 incidents recorded in the same period last year.

Media Release: Recorded offences and Criminal incidents continue to decline

The Crime Statistics Agency has today released the Victorian recorded crime statistics for the year ending 30 September 2018.

Spotlight: Breaches of orders - The Impact of Legislative Changes

Legislative changes have led to increases in Breaches of orders offences recorded in the 10 year period ending September 2018. The effect of these changes on the statistical trends observed for this category will be explored in the latest spotlight.

Crime Statistics Agency releases 2017-18 Victorian Family Violence Database

The Crime Statistics Agency has today released key family violence measures from the 2017-18 Victorian Family Violence Database

Coding amendment - drug type by drug offence

The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has identified an issue with the coding of drug type for offence type C10 Drug dealing and trafficking in the Recorded Offences data visualisation published on 20 September 2018

New CSA research on crimes against older people in Victoria

The Crime Statistics Agency has today released an 'In Fact' research paper entitled "Crimes against older people in Victoria".